Sampaio Cabral – “a central figure in biotechnology and bioengineering in Portugal” is the most recent Emeritus Professor at Técnico
The events held on April 12th highlighted the career of the engineer, who launched an autobiographical book....
The events held on April 12th highlighted the career of the engineer, who launched an autobiographical book....
As with insulin, the engineer has made it possible to synthesise heparin without using animal raw materials....
14th December, at 5.15 p.m., at the Técnico Congress Centre, Alameda Campus ...
Two scientists responsible for discoveries that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 were awarded the Nobel Prize in...
The award ceremony will take place on 14th November at 6 p.m., in the Thalia Theatre and will be live-streamed on...
FIC.A took place from 10th to 16th October, in Oeiras....
The Department of Bioengineering (DBE/IST) will organise a new DBE Seminar, under the “DBE Seminars Autumn 2021”. 27th September, 14:00 – In-person* &...
Professor Silvia Conde (CEDOC, NOVA Medical School), will give a lecture titled “Bioelectronic modulation of carotid sinus nerve to treat metabolic...
Professor Lígia O. Martins ( ITQB NOVA, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier, Lisbon) will give a seminar titled...
Professor Ana Teresa Freitas (IST, INESC ID, HeartGenetics) will give a seminar titled “Personalised wellness: can our DNA coach us” on...