Professor Luís Magalhães gives his last lecture to a large audience
The event brought together professors, colleagues and many students at the Abreu Faro Amphitheatre....
The event brought together professors, colleagues and many students at the Abreu Faro Amphitheatre....
“Semiconvex Supersolutions to Fully Nonlinear PDEs”. – 2 p.m....
“Linearized instability for neutral FDEs with state-dependent delays”. – 4.30 p.m....
“Introduction to Extremes with R”. – 2.30 p.m./4 p.m....
The Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamical Systems (CAMGSD) is pleased to announce a new Seminar “Geometria em Lisboa”. 8th...
The Department of Mathematics at Instituto Superior (DMIST) organises the 14th Mathematics Winter School on 18th and 19th February 2022, in hybrid...
The Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamical System (CAMGSD) is pleased to announce a new Seminar “Geometria em Lisboa”. 1st February...
“Conex-Connect: Learning Patterns in Extremal Brain Connectivity From Multi-Channel EEG Data”. – 5 p.m....
We are pleased to announce a new Mathematics, Physics & Machine Learning seminar – MPML@IST 2022, organised by professors Mário Figueiredo...
The Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamical Systems (CAMGSD) is pleased to announce a new Seminar “Geometria em Lisboa”. 15th...
“What is the right combinatorics for spheres in K3 surfaces?” – 4.30 p.m....
“Spatiotemporal modeling of extreme-wildfire risk”. – 5 p.m....
CAMGSD, CEMAT, INESC-ID Lisboa, ISR Lisboa, MARETEC and IT Lisboa are pleased to announce a new Mathematics, Physics & Machine Learning Seminar – MPML @Técnico. 20th...
“The Principles of Deep Learning Theory”. – 5 p.m....
“Zipf Extensions and Their Applications for Modeling the Degree Sequences of Real Networks.” – 2 p.m....
Title: “On very stable bundles”. - 4.30 pm...
The Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematic (CEMAT) and the Center of Statistics and its Applications at Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL)...
“Higher Berry classes for many-body quantum lattice systems” – 5 p.m....