World Quantum Day Launch Event
The World Quantum Day, launched by the Técnico professor Yasser Omar, aims at promoting the public understanding of Quantum Science and...
The World Quantum Day, launched by the Técnico professor Yasser Omar, aims at promoting the public understanding of Quantum Science and...
“Spin helix states in the dissipative Heisenberg quantum spin chain” - 17:00...
“Eigenstate deformations as a sensitive probe of quantum chaos” – 17:00...
“Machine Learning of Robot Skills” – 18:00...
“Exploring 4D topological physics in the laboratory” – 17:00...
We announce a QM^3 Quantum Matter meets Maths Seminar as follows: 22nd February 2021, 17:00 – Online Speaker: professor Maciej Koch-Janusz (Dept.Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Group, University...
“Indicators of quantum chaos and the transition from few- to many-body systems” – 17:00...
“Liquid crystal director fields in three-dimensional non-Euclidean geometries.” – 10:00...
The Técnico alumnus Sérgio Marcelino won, ex aequo, the first edition of the prize....
“Lattice Geometry Dependence and Independence: Important Applications of a Simple Law” – 17:00...
“Many-body localisation: a tale of correlations and classical percolation on Fock space” – 17:00...
The next “IST QM^3 – Quantum Matter meets Maths” will take place on 14th December. 14th December 2020, 10:00– Online Speaker: professor Takashi Oka(Max...
“Entanglement entropy in many-body eigenstates of local Hamiltonians” – 17:00...
“Universality of dimers via imaginary geometry” – 17:00...
“Less is more: effective description of topological spin liquids”, 17:00...
Applications are open until 27th November 2020, at 17:00....
This “UL Extremes Webinar” is part of the Probability and Statistics Seminar....
“Superuniversality of superdiffusion.” – 17:00...