Probability and Statistics Seminar – Manuel Cabral Morais
Professor Manuel Cabral Morais (IST/DM; CEMAT) and Sven Knoth (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg), will give the next Probability and Statistics Seminar titled “On...
Professor Manuel Cabral Morais (IST/DM; CEMAT) and Sven Knoth (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg), will give the next Probability and Statistics Seminar titled “On...
Professor Manuel Cabral Morais (DM-IST; CEMAT) will give a lectured titled “On ARL-unbiased Control Charts”, on 3rd June, at 4 p.m....
Professor Manuel Cabral Morais (DM-IST; CEMAT) will give a seminar titled “Improving the ARL profile of the Poisson EWMA chart” (concerning...