Técnico professor appointed Councillor Member of the Ordem dos Engenheiros
Hugo Plácido da Silva is the first councillor member of the Biomedical and Bioengineering College of the Ordem dos Engenheiros....
Hugo Plácido da Silva is the first councillor member of the Biomedical and Bioengineering College of the Ordem dos Engenheiros....
Ordem dos Engenheiros honoured several members of the Técnico community at an event celebrating engineering....
Fernando Lau and Hugo Plácido da Silva have been inducted to new engineering colleges of Ordem dos Engenheiros....
Rita Bento was distinguished for her professional career and the prestige she brought to Engineering....
The Award Ceremony took place on September 24, at Camões Theatre, in Lisbon....
Madalena Ponte's work focuses on seismic assessment of monuments and won second place ex aequo. ...