QM3 Quantum Matter meets Maths Seminar – Omri Golan
“Geometric complexity in quantum matter: intrinsic sign problems in topological phases” - 17:00...
“Geometric complexity in quantum matter: intrinsic sign problems in topological phases” - 17:00...
“Adiabatic quantum transport” – 17:00...
“Concentrating Majorana fermions” – 17:00...
“Neural network dynamics in open quantum many-body systems” – 17:00...
“The free-fermion eight-vertex model via dimers” - 17:00...
“Exploring 4D topological physics in the laboratory” – 17:00...
We announce a QM^3 Quantum Matter meets Maths Seminar as follows: 22nd February 2021, 17:00 – Online Speaker: professor Maciej Koch-Janusz (Dept.Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Group, University...
“Indicators of quantum chaos and the transition from few- to many-body systems” – 17:00...
“Lattice Geometry Dependence and Independence: Important Applications of a Simple Law” – 17:00...
The next “IST QM^3 – Quantum Matter meets Maths” will take place on 14th December. 14th December 2020, 10:00– Online Speaker: professor Takashi Oka(Max...
“Entanglement entropy in many-body eigenstates of local Hamiltonians” – 17:00...
“Universality of dimers via imaginary geometry” – 17:00...
“Superuniversality of superdiffusion.” – 17:00...
“Spin textures in quantum Hall ferromagnets”...