TUIST and TFIST at the 27th “Celta – Duetos” show
The “Tuna Universitária” and the “Tuna Feminina” of Instituto Superior Técnico (TUIST and TFIST) participated in the 27th edition of “Celta”–...
The “Tuna Universitária” and the “Tuna Feminina” of Instituto Superior Técnico (TUIST and TFIST) participated in the 27th edition of “Celta”–...
The “Tuna Feminina do Instituto Superior Técnico” (female student musical group) TFIST won the 18th edition of the “Moura Encantada” Festival, organised by...
The 14th edition of the Festival “XIV Expedição – Festival de Tunas Femininas do IST” will take place on 15th October,...
The music video was released on 2nd July....
TFIST received two awards – “Melhor Pandeireta” and “Melhor Tuna”....