Skills and Knowledge Evaluation

The students’ academic performance evaluation takes place according to the objectives, methods and scheduling of the assessment of each curricular unit (CU), established by the Pedagogical Committee of each course, which includes the Course Coordination, the Coordinators of each CU and the Students’ Delegates, in accordance with the regulations established by the Pedagogical Council.

The classification of a student in any element of evaluation in a curricular unit will be assigned on an absolute scale from 0 to 20 points. A student is considered approved in a course with a classification equal or higher to 10 points, after rounding up to the nearest integer.

All the information about the evaluation is available in each curricular unit Fénix webpage.


In addition to the Continuous Evaluation moments (Mini-Tests, Worksheets, Tests, Quizzes, Presentations, Project Discussions, Assignments), in most of the courses there is a final exam. There are four periods to attend exams.

The period of each examination season is defined during the previous academic year and published in the Academic Calendar. The calendar of each examination (Normal Period and Appeal Period ) is published in the Fénix system before the beginning of each academic year.

Exam Periods

  1. Normal Period

    This is the first examination period, immediately after each term in the case of subjects that take place per term or after the second and fourth class periods in the case of semester courses.

    • It may be necessary to register for the exam in the Fénix system (Student menu). There are no fees or emoluments associated.
  2. Appeal Period

    This examination period is intended to provide the possibility to recover evaluation components in which the student has failed to achieve the proposed objectives or could not attend, without prejudice to the constraints associated with the completion of laboratories and projects.

    • It takes place after the second and fourth class periods and is intended for recovery both for semester subjects and for subjects that work in periods;
    • It may be necessary to register for the exam in the Fénix system (Student menu). There are no fees or emoluments associated.
  3. Special Period

    The main purpose of this examination period is to allow final-year students, who are missing a limited number of curricular units, to complete their degree.

    In addition, students who have a special status or perform duties and activities recognised by the School may also request access to this assessment period (detailed information in the Special Period of Exams Regulation).

    Acess to the Special Season:

    • If the student does not have that status or has a situation not contemplated in the regulations for the access to this examination period, he/she must request it by submitting a request to the academic services.
    • The access to the Special Period is only possible to take exams of the curricular units in which the student was regularly enrolled in that academic year.
    • Each student can only enroll in a set of course units that does not exceed 18 ECTS credits.
    • The improvement of classification in Special Period is not allowed.

    Enrolment in Exams:

    The enrolment is made in Fénix (Student menu > Enrolments > Special Season) in the period defined in the Academic Calendar, after the attribution of the status that grants access to the Special Period of Exams is, paying the respective fee (20€/examination).

    Students who benefit from support provided by the Social Services of the University of Lisbon (SASUL) or by the IST Alumni Association (AAAIST) and those who have been recognised by Técnico’s Management Board as having the status of Student with Educational Needs are exempt from the payment of the fee. In the first case, it is necessary to present proof of the attribution of the support during the current academic year.

  4. Extraordinary Period

    This is the last opportunity to take exams for students who have been unable to take the remaining exams due to activities covered by a special statute.

    Only students with the following specific special statutes may request to take exams in this season:

    • High-performance sports practitioners
    • Youth Associative Manager status
    • Associative Manager Status
    • Fireman status
    • Higher education student athlete status

    Information on Special Student Statutes

    Acess to Extraordinary Period of Exams

    The request for exams in the Extraordinary Season is made by sending an open request to the Graduate Area (students at Alameda campus) or the Academic Management Area (students at Taguspark campus), with documents proving the special status.

    Enrolment in the Exams

    The enrolment in the exams is then done by the academic services mentioned above, according to the curricular units mentioned on the open request, after the payment of the respective fee (20 euros/exam).

Grade Improvement

The improvement of the final grade of a subject can be done once within two consecutive semesters after the one in which the approval or equivalence to that curricular unit was obtained.

The enrollment is made during the period defined in the Calendar of Academic Deadlines, submitting the request via the Smart Forms platform and paying the emolument: 20€/CU. The enrolment after deadline increases 10€/CU.

Exceptionally, in the academic year 2021/22 it is not possible to improve grades in CUs approved before the implementation of the new teaching model.
Grade improvement in Special Season is not allowed.