Undergraduate and Integrated Master Programmes

National Admission to Higher Education

Students, who complete secondary education and wish to obtain higher education at IST, should apply through the National Admission to Higher Education.

National Admission to Higher Education »

Course Change and Transfer

If there is a change of mind, it is also possible to apply to a different course in the same school or in a different institution of higher education – regardless of whether the registration process was interrupted or not.

Change of Course/Institution »

Applicants over the age of 23

This applies to the candidates who complete 23 years of age until the 31st of December within the year prior to the application. The application should be presented at the school where the candidate wishes to join.

Applicants over the age of 23 »

Holders of Middle Level and Higher Education Courses

Holders of a higher education degree, middle level or post-secondary education certificate may apply to a Special Access Scheme.

Holders of Middle Level and Higher Education Courses »


Master’s Degree or 2nd Study Cycle of Integrated Master’s Degree Admission

Students may apply for an integrated masters, consisting of two integrated levels: It combines a 3 year Undergraduate Degree (1st Study Cycle) with a 2 year Master’s Degree (2nd study Cycle); or by attending a Master’s Degree 2nd Study Cycle in the case of having completed an Undergraduate Degree or a 1st Study Cycle of an integrated master, even if it lacks scientific consistency with the course of the 2nd study cycle to which they apply.

Applications for a Master’s Degree »

PhD Programmes

Doctoral Programmes

Holders of an Undergraduate Degree and Master’s Degree may apply for this training doctoral programme by obtaining a pass in an advanced study course, that grants a total of credits between 30 and 60 ECTS, followed by advanced research, development and innovation work, leading to a dissertation (PhD thesis). In all it has a 3 year duration.

Applications to a Doctoral Programme »

Continuing Education

Advanced Training Diploma and Specialisation Programme

Holders of Undergraduate and/or Master’s Degree may apply for advanced training diplomas or specialisation programmes, where a detailed technical-based and/or technology-based knowledge is optimised in an area of expertise, ensuring an updated and higher professional qualification level.

Applications for Continuing Education »

International Students

Special Admission Regime for International Students

Aware of the international exposure and the upward trend of Science and Technology, IST is open to international students seeking new challenges in an international context. The requirements to be able to apply to higher education under this special Access Regime for International Students are defined in the Statutes of International Students of March 2014.

International Applicants »