
BrainStorms@Técnico: “Is this harassment? Definition and coping”

Online (by Zoom)

Date: 25th May 2022
Time: 6.30 p.m.
A talk by Zoom (Registrations).

Harassment of different types and with multiple faces is a recurrent and commonly undervalued problem in the academic context. However, in many cases the victims are unaware of its nature, so clearly defining harassment and the ways in which it manifests itself in the university, involving students, researchers, staff or teachers, is crucial for taking action and reporting these situations. In addition to being able to identify harassment, it is also essential to know the mechanisms and channels available for reporting it, both inside and outside the universities themselves.

In this session “Is this harassment? Definition and coping” we will have Daniel Cotrim, technical advisor of the Directorate of the APAV (Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vitima) who will talk about the types of harassment in the academic context, providing information and examples to help us identify it and act accordingly. We will also be joined by Dejanira Vidal, president of the “Núcleo Feminista of the University of Lisbon School of Law”, who will talk about the recent case in this faculty. Finally, in the context of Técnico, we will talk about the recently created “Técnico Ombudsman* and its role in fighting prejudice, discrimination and abuse within the institution.

BrainStorms is an initiative of the “Técnico Student Club on Mental Health and Inclusion”, in collaboration with the Academic Development Unit (NDA), consisting of a cycle of monthly online talks with mental health professionals and members of the community at Técnico. Each session has a specific topic and an invited expert who discusses the issue in question and possible solutions. Attendees can participate in a Q&A session after the talk.

The previous talks are available on the Club’s YouTube channel.


* At he moment only in Portuguese language.