To celebrate Técnico’s 110th anniversary, IST Press publishes the book “Ideias Sobre Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior pela Comunidade do Instituto Superior Técnico, de Maio de 2017 a Dezembro 2020”, which consists of a compilation of opinion pieces by members of Técnico community in the Portuguese newspaper “Jornal i”, from 2nd May 2017 to 29th December 2020.
These articles, presented in chronological order in which they were written, make significant contributions to the development of society through the dissemination of scientific knowledge and experiences in the university context, with scientific rigour, reaching the general public.
The book will be launched on 21st May, at 17:00, to mark Técnico’s 110th anniversary.
Alexandre Bernardino, Alexandre Francisco, Ana Moita, Arlindo Oliveira, Augusto Casaca, Beatriz Silva, Fátima Montemor, Francisca Simões, Isabel Sá Correia, João Azevedo, José Santos-Victor, Leonardo Azevedo, Luís Caldas de Oliveira, Luís M. Correia, Luís Oliveira e Silva, Marcos Mateus, Miguel Abreu, Miguel Prazeres, Moisés Pinto, Nuno Jardim Nunes, Paulo Ferreira, Pedro Amaral, Pedro U. Lima, Raquel Aires de Barros, Ricardo Santos, Rodrigo Ventura, Rogério Colaço, Rosário Macário, Sílvia Monteiro, Tânia Sousa, Tiago Domingos, Vânia Proença.