
Workshop on Scientific Writing

via Zoom

Update (14th June) - Registrations have been canceled by decision of the Library due to the hight number of attendees.

The Técnico library, in collaboration with Técnico PhD Student Club and DECivil, will organise a workshop on scientific writing , via Zoom, addressed to all academic community, from 15th to 24th June 2021.

The goals of this workshop are:

– to acquire some skills on scientific writing;

– to understand the mechanisms of publishing and how to choose the right journal to increase the visibility and impact of scientific publication;

– to discuss the predatory journals in the context of open access and open science;

– to show the preprint archives and to identify its advantages

– to identify some challenges in science communication.

The programme includes 4 sessions, always from 17:00 to 18:30, according to the following calendar:

1st session – Writing – 15th June;

2nd session – Publishing I – 17th June;

3rd session – Publishing II – predatory journals and preprint archives – 22nd June;

4th session – Writing and Publishing – 24th June.

These sessions will be held in Portuguese and the complete programme is available on Técnico library’s website.

Attendance is free. Registration is required*. The Zoom ID of each session will be sent by email to registered participants.

Programme and more information.

* Update (14th June) – Registrations have been canceled by decision of the Library due to the hight number of attendees.
For more information: