
Técnico+ Expert Talks: Remote Management – Challenges and Solutions

Via Zoom

We’ve all realised that work has changed with the pandemic, and that most people don’t want to go back to the office – at least full-time, which further complicates the functioning of organisations, namely the management of tasks, services and projects, in an increasingly technological and virtual reality.

The webinar will take place on 23rd June, at 18:00, via Zoom. Attendance is free. Registration is required.

The challenges of remote work, solutions for managing people, tasks, services and projects, technological support tools, are some of the topics that will be addressed.

Deloitte will present some international studies that include the main international trends related to remote management, as well as some case studies that substantiate these trends.

Topics covered in this seminar:

• what are remote teams;
• remote work challenges;
• remote management challenges;
• remote management and leadership;
• remote performance management;
• remote task management techniques;
• remote service management techniques;
• remote project management techniques;
• remote management tools: chat/messaging, voice and video; file sharing, document management; managing remote meetings;
• remote management courses;
• Deloitte case study.


Miguel Mira da Silva
Associate professor (with habilitation) of information systems at Instituto Superior Técnico and coordinator of the Digital Transformation group at the INOV (INESC Inovação) research institute. He received his PhD in computing science from the University of Glasgow, and later a “Sloan Fellowship” master degree in management from the London Business School.

Nuno Carvalho
Leading Technology Partner at Deloitte Portugal – Human Capital and Enterprise Technology & Performance. He has extensive experience in organisational and technological transformation processes, nationally and internationally, and he leads Future of Work, which combines the main technological and human capital trends.