Campus and Community

Another successful edition of Newton’mas

The event included several moments such as sharing of knowledge and awards ceremony.

This Saturday, December 15th, MEFT organised another edition of Newton’mas, a workshop that aims to celebrate physics and Isaac Newton’s birth date – 25th December (Julian calendar), as well as to reward the merit and promote interaction between people from the Department of Physics (DF).

Professor Arlindo Oliveira, president of Técnico, professor Luís Lemos Alves, president of DF, professor Vasco Guerra, coordinator of MEFT, and professor Eduardo Ferreira, president of NFIST, attended the opening session.

“This event is very important not only because we can remember the past, but also because we can look forward,” said professor Vasco Guerra. Professor Arlindo Oliveira stressed the importance of this workshop that “reflects a promotion of science culture”. “Técnico has been attracting the best national students and we must keep it that way. For this, we have to overcome two challenges: to provide a positive teaching and academic experience and improve physical spaces on campuses”, he said.

The IST Distinguished Lecture by professor Bernard Dieny, was followed by MEFT’s academic excellence awards ceremony and a diploma award ceremony for the best master theses. José Figueiredo, 1st cycle student who won a monetary award, will be able to pay his 2nd cycle tuition fees during two years. Two honourable mentions were also awarded to Madalena Carvalho and Beatriz Dias.

The best master theses in Astrophysics and Gravitation, Interdisciplinary Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Plasma Physics, Lasers and Nuclear Fusion were distinguished. Miguel Correia, Miguel Ribeiro, Miguel Gonçalves and João Alves received a diploma for their master theses.