Campus and Community

Engineering Physics student wins “BEST In Class BCG” merit award 2022/2023

Pedro Morais was the winner of the merit award supported by BCG, a member of the Técnico Partner Network.

Pedro Morais, an Engineering Physics undergraduate student at Técnico, won the most recent edition of the “BEST In Class BCG” merit award aimed at recognising academic excellence in the Management Curricular Unit during the academic year 2022/2023. Pedro Morais completed the curricular unit with a remarkable grade of 20. The award was presented on March 19, in the Main Building’s meeting room.

The president of Técnico, Rogério Colaço, highlighted the relationship with BCG, one of Técnico’s oldest partner companies to award a merit prize, as well as the increasing number of Merit Awards and their importance: “The number of merit awards we have is quite distinctive. No institution has as many awards as Técnico. These initiatives promote additional motivation and the possibility of opening a door, at a time when our students reach the end of their academic journey”, he noted.

The Técnico students Gonçalo Fernandes, Gonçalo Martins, Gonçalo Almeida, João Tavares, Sofia Nunes, and Vasco Nunes also received Honourable Mention Diplomas, in recognition of their excellent academic performance in the curricular unit.

Gil Luís, Principal at BCG and Biomedical Engineering alumnus, congratulated the awarded students and emphasised the company’s openness to welcome them: “First of all, I would like to congratulate the students. We are very proud that this award has this impact. I would also like to encourage you to come to talk to us”, he emphasised.

The initiative also included a donation for improving teaching and learning conditions of the curricular unit, awarded to the Department of Engineering and Management (DEG) in the amount of €867. Susana Relvas, vice-president of DEG, thanked the partnership with BCG and congratulated the awarded students: “We are very pleased to continue counting on this award. Congratulations to all”, she said. Carlos Monteiro, the professor responsible for the Management Curricular Unit, left a few words of gratitude: “First of all, I would like to thank BCG for the award and our students for honouring us with your performance”.