The IST Press published the book “Hidráulica: Fundamentos e Aplicações. Volume I”‚ by António Heleno Cardoso, Dídia C. Covas, Rui M. L. Ferreira and António Betâmio de Almeida.
This book presents the fundamental principles of Fluid Mechanics in the relevant aspects for applications in the field of Civil Engineering, namely with regard to the liquids or fluids that behave as incompressible fluids.
It presents the essential formalism and methods of analysis based on the principles of physics and the mathematical characterization of phenomena, as well as current knowledge resulting from research and teaching experience.
It consists of eleven chapters that cover the essential domains of Hydraulics, such as Hydrostatics, Hydrokinematics and Hydrodynamics, considering different fluid flow regimes – internal or external, laminar or turbulent, permanent or variable – and their application to pressurized hydraulic installations. The fundamental principles are illustrated by didactic examples and proposed problems that constitute, to a large extent, an accumulated heritage resulting from the teaching of Hydraulics by successive generations of Técnico professors.
The book is aimed at university students and Civil Engineering professionals, and it’s available at IST Press online store. It will soon be available at Almedina, Bertrand, Fnac and Wook, among other bookstores.