Campus and Community

Professor Arlindo Oliveira is a newly appointed member of STOA’s International Advisory Board

Arlindo Oliveira, Técnico professor (Department of Computer Science and Engineering-DEI), president of INESC and researcher at INESC-ID, was invited to be one of the new members of the STOA (Panel for the Future of Science and Technology) International Advisory Board (INAB).

Created in 1985, the mission of STOA is to analyse the economic, social and environmental implications of new technologies. In July 2020, the STOA panel, composed of 27 members of the European Parliament, decided to appoint an International Advisory Board composed of world-renowned individuals to set out a framework for the Board’s future activities.

During the 2020-2024 mandate, INAB will be chaired by Eva Kaili, on behalf of STOA, and will include personalities from academia, international organisations, the private sector and research centres. Professor Arlindo Oliveira is the only Portuguese included in the prestigious list.

The Técnico professor stresses “this advisory board focuses in the area of new technologies, namely Artificial Intelligence, due to its potential impact on society and on economic growth”. “I am very honoured to be invited to join this advisory board, which includes distinguished members, such as politicians, writers, economists, managers and scientists, and which will play an important role in shaping European policies in the area of science and technology, in general, and information technologies, in particular”, says the president of INESC.

In 1994, he obtained a PhD from UC Berkeley in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, after a BSc and a MSc from IST. He became Técnico professor in 1984 and Full professor in 2005. His major areas of interest are Digital Circuit Design, Machine Learning, Algorithms, Data Mining and Bioinformatics.

Professor Arlindo Oliveira is a senior member of IEEE, APPIA (which he chaired from 2004-2005), Ordem dos Engenheiros and Portuguese Academy of Engineering.

In January 2012 he was elected president of Instituto Superior Técnico, a position he held until December 2019.

He is the author of three books (one of which co-authored): “The Digital Mind”, published by MIT Press and IST Press, “Computer Architecture”, published by World Scientific and IST Press, and the essay “Inteligência Artificial”, published by Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation. He authored more than 100 scientific articles and papers in international journals and conferences. His name is included in the lists of highly cited researchers worldwide, according to a recent study carried out by Stanford University.

Arlindo Oliveira is a Distinguished Professor of Instituto Superior Técnico since 2020.