This Wednesday took place the ceremony of Santander Totta Awards for Técnico student groups.
According to professor Arlindo Oliveira, president of Técnico, “this award brings together two very important things for Técnico. The partnership between Instituto Superior Técnico and Santander Totta, which allows such initiatives, and the existence of adequate mechanisms that stimulate student groups at Técnico.
Engineer Marcos Ribeiro, coordinator of Santander Universities in Portugal, said that “this is a great initiative”, and that “it’s necessary to support the development of students”, highlighting the education at Técnico.
Awarded projects:
– BreakingDev, Competição de Programação da responsabilidade do Núcleo de Estudantes de Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Informática (NEETI – IST), do campus Taguspark;
– Projeto de Sustentabilidade Energética Móvel, do PSEM;
– Receção aos novos alunos do curso de Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores, do NEECIST;
– XII Expedição, Festival de Tunas femininas do IST, da TFIST;
– X Noites de Luar, da TUIST;
– Best Inside View, do Best Lisboa