42.958 students were placed in public schools in the 1st phase of the National Access to public Higher Education, which correspond to a 2,1% increase comparing to 2015.
4338 students applied for the 1489 vacancies available at Instituto Superior Técnico, which represents a rate of 2,9 candidates per vacancy.
Técnico filled 99% of vacancies in the first phase of access to higher education, rather better than the national results, where 15% of vacancies remained unfilled. All vacancies were occupied, with the exception of Civil Engineering course, which is worrying Ordem dos Engenheiros “In the medium term, we will have an insufficient number of civil engineers in Portugal to face the country’s needs as well as the needs of Portuguese companies operating abroad”.
The number of students who chose Técnico courses as 1st option also increased when compared with 2015: 2466 candidates chose Técnico as 1st option in the 1st phase.
This year, for the first time, two engineering courses, both lectured at Técnico, lead the ranking: Aerospace Engineering and Physics Engineering (both with a minimum grade point of 18,53). Applied Mathematics and Computation (average point 18,05) and Biomedical Engineering (average point 17,98) are also included in this ranking.
A gender analysis of the results shows that the number of female candidates keeps increasing, with a 31% placement rate of female students in the 1st phase.
So far, 497 students from 59 countries applied to Técnico and this number is expected to double by the end of this process. This year, for the first time, US students chose Técnico to continue their studies.