Instituto Superior Técnico, together with Santander Bank, provides support (financial or other) to partial sabbatical leaves abroad, for Assistant Professors and Auxiliary Researchers at Técnico, on their tenure-track period.
Assistant Professors and Auxiliary Researchers, who have not yet benefited from this support in previous editions of this scholarship programme, are eligible to apply.
Applications are evaluated generically and approved based on absolute merit, according to the following criteria:
a) Relevance of the partial sabbatical leave to the candidate’s scientific project
b) Quality of the host foreign institution and host research group
c) Period of stay at the foreign host institution
d) Level of commitment of the host research group
In this edition, a total of 12 scholarships will be delivered, each one amounting to €2,083.
The application form is available here.
The applications must include, among others, the following information:
* the scientific project that the candidate intends to develop on his/her tenure-track period (in principle, it must be the same document submitted in the competition for the position of Assistant Professor or Auxiliary Researcher).
* indicate (i) the host foreign institution and the research group in which the professor or researcher will be integrated during his/her sabbatical leave, (ii) duration of stay in that institution, and (iii) additional information that allows to assess the relevance and commitment of this research group in the context of the sabbatical leave, preferably based on letters from this host research group, as well as the expected results (maximum ½ A4 page).
* Whenever requested, candidates must provide additional information and documentation. The analysis and decision of the request for support shall be subject to the delivery of this information and documentation.
*Applications must be submitted within the deadlines established in the respective public notices.
This information does not exempt the consultation of the legal basis of the call.
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