“O Paço Ducal de Vila Viçosa”: Exhibition of Works
The exhibition can be visited from 3rd to 6th October, at the Civil Engineering building (Alameda campus). On October 3, at...
The exhibition can be visited from 3rd to 6th October, at the Civil Engineering building (Alameda campus). On October 3, at...
The DECivil museum, in close collaboration with ISTAR laboratory, developed volumetric representations based on a project by architect Ventura Terra, dated...
This is one of the most important awards at national level that distinguishes the talent and academic achievement of university students....
The exhibition “Panteão – Luz, Matéria, Essência” will be inaugurated at Panteão Nacional, on June 7, at 6.30 p.m. and it...
The 4th year Architecture students developed works for a Theatre and Housing at Estrela under the guidance of professors Ricardo Bak...
On June 2, the Department of Physics, the Department of Engineering and Nuclear Sciences and NFIST will jointly organise a workshop...
Prof. Dr. Ayse Sema Kubat (Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Urban & Regional Planning) will present a research...
"The Shape of the City" and "The Mediterranean Question" are the result of the "PhD Architecture Weeks" held at Técnico....
The professor was distinguished for her contributions to the “promotion and dissemination of the Portuguese architecture in several countries and continents”....
The conference “Gerações: Presente e Futuro da Prática Arquitetónica em Portugal” is organised within the 5th edition of Cinco Vezes Cinco...
Maria Bacharel Carreira presented the thesis “In-between Formality and Informality. Learning Spaces in University Context” which earned her the Glen Earthman...
The PhD Week Fall 2016, organised within the PhD in Architecture at Técnico, will take place on September 30, from 9.30...
On 23rd September, at 5.30 p.m., will be held the conference “The new metropolis in the world: issues, challenges and policies”,...
Docomomo was founded in 1988 by the Dutch architects Hubert-Jan Henket and Wessel de Jonge and includes organisations from all over...
The exhibition “Pensar Ourém” was inaugurated on June 3, and was jointly organised by the Ourém Municipality, the Ourém Museum and...