Técnico researchers propose a “unified solution” to open problems in particle physics
The CFTP members tried to relate neutrino mass, dark matter and the 'strong CP problem' using the 'axion' particle and 'colour'...
The CFTP members tried to relate neutrino mass, dark matter and the 'strong CP problem' using the 'axion' particle and 'colour'...
5th and 6th February 2024, at Hotel Inatel, Oeiras...
Registration deadline: 13th July....
Workshop postponed to 2021, from 31st August to 3rd September. ...
On 19th and 20th September, the Centre for Theoretical Particle Physics (CFTP) will organise the Bonn Particle Physics Show titled “What’s...
The Centre for Theoretical Particle Physics (CFTP) will organise the 5th edition of the Workshop on Multi-Higgs Models from 4th to...