Exhibition “110 Histórias | 110 Objetos”: Técnico opens doors to the community to tell its history through objects
Inaugurated on May 23rd, the exhibition is open until 2024. Free entry. ...
Inaugurated on May 23rd, the exhibition is open until 2024. Free entry. ...
The Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE) and the Department of Chemical Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico (DEQ-IST), are pleased to announce...
On 19th September, the Pharmacy Museum hosted the exhibition “Histórias de Lisboa” within the scope of the MEMEX project...
Dates: from 14th to 18th June, Tuesday – Saturday Time: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Venue: Taguspark campus, Central atrium. From...
“Finding the Lost Monastery of Madre de Deus” gathers the results of MIEH (Historic Building Information Modeling) / HBIM (Historic Building...
The exhibition will be open until the 6th of may...
The exhibition will be open to the public at the Museu de Civil, from 14th February to 11st March this year,...
Exhibition: until 4th June, with photos by Augusto Conceição Silva (photographer) and works by Rita Gaspar Vieira (Plastic Artist)....
The Técnico museums will join the 2019 Science and Technology Week offering a wide range of activities that require prior registration....
IST Press will present a photo exhibition by António Faria, based on the book “Haja Luz! Uma história da química através...
IST Press will present a photo exhibition titled “A Água e o Livro”, by António Faria, from 14th to 31st October, at...
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31st December 2019....
Brain dialogues | Brains and Robots, with Leonel Moura (artist) and José Santos-Victor (IST)...
Técnico students will have a 50% discount on tickets price upon presentation of student card. ...
On April 3rd, at 6.30 p.m., IST Press will organise the lauching session of the exhibition titled “Desenhos Didáticos de José...
The 5th edition of PhD Open Days at Técnico will take place on 9th and 10th April, at Alameda campus –...
The photo exhibition “A Água e o Livro”, by António Faria and curated by IST Press, will be part of the...
IST Press presents the photo exhibition “A Água e o Livro”, by António Faria. The exhibition will be open from 31st...