FST13 Rollout – Launching of the new prototype of Formula Student Lisboa
28 June, at 6 p.m., in the Great Hall of Instituto Superior Técnico...
28 June, at 6 p.m., in the Great Hall of Instituto Superior Técnico...
21 June, at 6 p.m., in the Great Hall, Técnico – Alameda Campus...
The 8th edition of these awards took place on 21st November, under the CA2ECTécnico – a competition that aims to support...
During four days, students, families and teachers had the opportunity to learn more about the academic programmes, extracurricular projects and campus...
Engineer Tiago Lopes Farias, CEO of Carris, attended a dinner organised by the IST Alumni Association (AAAIST) and explained the several...
Thousands of students overrun Técnico exhibition stand every day to get information about the courses and to clear their doubts. ...