Técnico alumnus elected as one of the best engineers under 40
The award, which is rarely given to European engineers, was awarded by the American magazine Consulting-Specifying Engineer....
The award, which is rarely given to European engineers, was awarded by the American magazine Consulting-Specifying Engineer....
“Design em engenharia: casos de estudo em Educação, Criatividade, Manufatura Aditiva e Cibersegurança”. – 2 p.m....
The Mechanical Engineering alumnus Manuel Leite is one of the 5 young talents competing in the final round. ...
João Mano, professor and researcher at University of Aveiro (UA), received a EUR 2,5 million grant for his work in the...
Attendance is free but requires prior registration....
“Nobel Prize in Physics 2019 and tests of General Relativity with Cosmology” (16h, PA2)...