Técnico student stands out as one of the best players in the Portuguese Rugby team
Pedro Lucas, Electrical and Computer Engineering student and Técnico Rugby player , was selected to join the Portuguese Rugby team “Os...
Pedro Lucas, Electrical and Computer Engineering student and Técnico Rugby player , was selected to join the Portuguese Rugby team “Os...
Raffaele Storti, Técnico Rugby player and Técnico student, is one of the award finalists....
Raffaele Storti, student of Industrial Engineering and Management and player in Técnico Rugby team, stood out at the 2019 World Rugby...
Técnico Rugby and Os Belenenses will compete for the Portuguese Rugby Cup final “Taça de Portugal Séniores Placard 2018/19”, on May...
Técnico-Rugby will organise a winter academy on 17th, 18th and 19th December, 201. This winter academy is aimed at Sub-8, Sub-10,...
Técnico Rugby will organise two Open Days on 29th September and 12th October, at 10 a.m., for boys and girls aged...