TUIST and TFIST at the 27th “Celta – Duetos” show
The “Tuna Universitária” and the “Tuna Feminina” of Instituto Superior Técnico (TUIST and TFIST) participated in the 27th edition of “Celta”–...
The “Tuna Universitária” and the “Tuna Feminina” of Instituto Superior Técnico (TUIST and TFIST) participated in the 27th edition of “Celta”–...
TUIST won three of five categories at the Festival held in Barcelos on 5th November....
TUIST won the award for best solist and third best tuna at the XXX International Tunas Festival, in Aveiro....
More than 30 people, aged over 65 years, had the opportunity to watch TUIST serenades in a single day....