Técnico welcomes new 1645 students
The Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Physics Undergraduate Programmes have the highest ‘admission averages’....
The Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Physics Undergraduate Programmes have the highest ‘admission averages’....
From 20th to 23rd March, the Lisbon International Fair (FIL) will welcome Técnico students and professors who will showcase the school's...
The Aerospace Engineering Undergraduate Programme was the Técnico course with the highest ‘admission average’ (186.6)....
The Técnico students will be at the Lisbon Exhibition and Congress Centre (FIL), from 22nd to 25th March, sharing information about...
The 2nd call for applications to public higher education is open until 23rd September. The registration period for students admitted at...
Applications for Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences disciplines - 1st Semester 2022/23, are open until 14th July, for 1st cycle students....