Master’s Programmes (2nd Study Cycle)

Técnico offers a wide range of Master’s degrees that deepen the knowledge acquired in the 1st Cycle so that graduates can specialise in a particular area.

The study plans allow graduates to choose subjects of every Técnico’s scientific area and also to do a Minor. The curricular flexibility and interdisciplinarity of the 2nd Cycle Degrees enable graduates to find answers and solutions to the great scientific and technological challenges of modern society.

To know more about the applications:

National Applicants International Applicants

Courses List:

Course Campus URL
Aerospace Engineering Alameda
Applied Mathematics and Computation Alameda
Bioengineering and Nanosystems Alameda
Bioengineering: Regenerative and Precision Medicine Taguspark
Biological Engineering Alameda
Biomedical Engineering Alameda
Biotechnology Alameda
Civil Engineering Alameda
Chemical Engineering Alameda
Computer Science and Engineering Alameda | Taguspark
Data Science and Engineering Alameda
Electrical and Computer Engineering Alameda
Electronics Engineering Taguspark
Energy Engineering and Management Alameda
Energy Resources Engineering Alameda
Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Alameda
Engineering Physics Alameda
Environmental Engineering Alameda
Industrial Engineering and Management Taguspark
Information and Enterprise Systems Online
Information Security and Cyberspace Law Alameda
Materials Engineering Alameda
Mechanical Engineering Alameda
Microbiology Alameda
Mining and Geological Engineering Alameda
Molecular Science and Engineering Alameda
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Alameda
Pharmaceutical Engineering Alameda
Radiation Protection and Safety Alameda | Tecnológico e Nuclear
Science and Technology for the Cultural Heritage Alameda | Tecnológico e Nuclear
Telecommunications and Informatics Engineering Taguspark
Medical Physics Alameda | Tecnológico e Nuclear
Territorial Management and Urban Studies Alameda
Transportation Systems Alameda

International Master’s:

Course Campus URL
Advanced Mineral Resources Development (AMRD) Alameda
International Master in Mining Engineering (IMME) Alameda
International Master on Communications Engineering and Data Science (CoDaS) Alameda
International Master in Advanced Design of Sustainable Ships and Offshore Structures Alameda