Science and Technology

Eight Técnico researchers won ULisboa / Santander Universities Scientific Awards

Several researchers won ULisboa / Santander Universities Scientific Awards and Honourable Mentions - 2018 edition.

The ULisboa/Santander Scientific Awards are delivered annually and aim to reward scientific research as well as to encourage research publication in leading international journals. According to the regulations, one award and a maximum of two honourable mentions can be awarded each year in six different areas, ranging from Agronomy to Human Motricity, including the various engineering branches.

“I am very happy. However, I would like to extend this award to all my colleagues of mechanical technology and industrial management scientific area and to all PhD and MSc students who believe in the research and technological development of plastic deformation manufacturing processes that we have been developing and consolidating over the years”, says professor Paulo Martins (DEM / IDMEC), award winner in Mechanical, Naval and Aerospace Engineering scientific areas. “I wasn’t fairly sure I would win this award because I had already received 3 honourable mentions in previous editions” he recalls. Professor Paulo Martins considers that these awards are an incentive for scientific research at ULisboa, but “in this phase of my academic life, what really interests me is that this award will be an incentive for my younger colleagues and for the students with whom I am working”, he adds.

Professor Dinar Camotim, from the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georessources (DECivil) and researcher at CERIS, was also awarded.

Patrícia Baptista (IN+), Paulo de Brito André (DEEC/IT), Pedro Coelho (DEM/IDMEC), Rui Castro (DEEC/INESC-ID), Susana Cardoso de Freitas (DF/INESC- MN) and Yordan Garbatov (DEM/CENTEC) were awarded honourable mentions. “I am honoured by this distinction because it’s a recognition of my research work” says the researcher Patrícia Baptista, whose research activities are related to sustainable mobility. “My main goal is to contribute to the development and adoption of more sustainable mobility solutions: electric mobility, shared mobility, fostering behaviour change, developing new transport policies, etc.”, she explains.

As in the previous edition, professor Susana Cardoso de Freitas received honourable mention in Electrical and Aerospace Engineering areas. “It is with great pleasure that I see my work recognised by Universidade de Lisboa. It’s an honour to represent Instituto Superior Técnico and INESC”, says the INESC-MN researcher. “The assessment criteria is heavily based on the number of publications, impact factors and citations. In my case, I have the privilege of working with a team of great quality and very active, so we publish a lot”, she adds.

The ULisboa / Santander Universities Scientific Awards ceremony will take place on May 7th, at 4.30 p.m., in ULisboa Rectorate building (Sala dos Reitores).