Técnico professor has been elevated to IEEE Fellow
Professor José Santos-Victor received the highest distinction conferred by IEEE to its members....
Professor José Santos-Victor received the highest distinction conferred by IEEE to its members....
Eleven Técnico professors were elected full members and corresponding members of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences. The official ceremony will take...
The prize of monetary value was given by Vodafone to students of the mobile and wireless networking curriculum unit....
The specialist in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Professor Pedro Girão, ministered a Jubilation Lesson at the farewell ceremony of Técnico....
Last lesson titled “Electrical and Computer Engineering: 1970-2020 and Beyond” - 2.30 p.m. - CC | Confirm...
Gonçalo Faria’s work stood out among the 8 master’s thesis submitted to the competition....
The works authored by the alumni Maria Teresa Parreira and Manuel Serra Nunes were awarded by the IEEE Portugal section....
The work developed by two Técnico professors and one Técnico student won first place in the “Sports Training” category, at the...
Seven projects will be funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) with a total funding of €453,000. Five...
Técnico professors participated in the last debate on “Artificial Intelligence: Applications, Implications and Speculations”, held at Culturgest....
Several researchers won ULisboa / Santander Universities Scientific Awards and Honourable Mentions - 2018 edition. ...
Until the end of March, DEEC will organise a lecture series given by young PhD (DECC JD) aiming to disseminate the...
Dr. André Martins, Invited Professor at DEEC and winner of a prestigious ERC Grant will give a talk titled “AD3 and...
Professor Rui Martins, Vice-Rector of the University of Macau will give a talk titled “24 Years Nurturing Scientists in Macao: From...
The Faraday Museum is located at Instituto Superior Técnico, in Alameda campus. It occupies seven rooms and is organised in three...