Santander awards for student groups
This Wednesday took place the ceremony of Santander Totta Awards for Técnico student groups. ...
This Wednesday took place the ceremony of Santander Totta Awards for Técnico student groups. ...
IST Press published the 3rd edition of the book "Ligação Química", by Alberto Romão Dias. ...
Professor João Sanches, from the Department of Bioengineering and researcher at Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR), developed a new method,...
Space, avionics and aircrafts are the three branches that make up the degree that currently demands the highest admission grade at...
In the last months of 2015, Técnico was visited by Dava Newman and Alice Bowman, two “superstars” of the North American...
Understanding black holes in the universe or building a nano-satellite is possible, and can be a solution for those who want...
The newest campus of Instituto Superior Técnico was chosen to establish the Hypersonic Plasmas Laboratory, which studies the re-entry of spacecrafts...
There are several alumni throughout the world creating magic in the space industry...
Seedrs, Action Modulers and Magnomics will be officially integrated on November 18th...
This is the forum that brings together some of the most successful technology companies in Portugal...
We talked to some of the most relevant institutions in the area to take the pulse of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in...
We spoke with Renato Braz, business creation manager in Portugal, to get to know KIC InnoEnergy’s work within the entrepreneurial ecosystem...
We questioned the students about their opinions and expectations regarding entrepreneuship classes ...
The aerospace engineering student groups may be just thing for those looking for activities outside of their program....
NFIST organizes activities to promote several scientific fields, making a point of showing that physics is nothing to be afraid of....
There are several opportunities at Técnico Lisbon for whomever wants to rehabilitate homes, help Mouraria or disseminate science....
CoderDojo @ Técnico’s mission is to show young people what IT is all about - last year registrations had to be...
What can be expected from the first year at this school? We asked the opinions of four students (and one former...