Técnico professor is the first Portuguese to receive the IEEE Entrepreneurship Impact Award
The award recognises all the efforts and contributions that Hugo Plácido da Silva has made to make BITalino, a low-cost hardware...
The award recognises all the efforts and contributions that Hugo Plácido da Silva has made to make BITalino, a low-cost hardware...
Rui Sampaio was one of the three winners of the Japanese Society for Technology of Plasticity Award for Young Researchers....
The IEEE Portugal section distinguished a master’s thesis in Electrical and Computer Engineering authored by a Técnico alumna....
Técnico's partner company distinguishes the best student in Probability and Statistics curricular unit....
TFIST received two awards – “Melhor Pandeireta” and “Melhor Tuna”....
The award, which is rarely given to European engineers, was awarded by the American magazine Consulting-Specifying Engineer....
Registrations for the 2nd edition of the Oeiras Valley Award are open until 15th April. Eligible students: Undergraduate, PhD and MSc...
The Técnico professor won the J. Clarence Karcher Award in recognition of his significant contributions to Science and Technology in areas...
Tiago Caldeira was one of the winners of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Government Excellence Award – 6th edition....
The Técnico professor was one of the winners of the FEMS Special Merit Award 2022....
Tomás Neves de Almeida is one of the winners of the APGEI Master's Award. ...
The “Smart Homies” team, which includes 3 Técnico students, won the 1st award in the “Creative Entrepreneurship” category and a special...
Rita Moura, Técnico alumna (Civil Engineering) and currently Head of Innovation at Teixeira Duarte, won the “Excellence Award”, in the Engineering...
HeartGenetics was one of the winners of the “Global Health & Pharma's Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards 2021”....
The announcement was made by the Dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Western Michigan University. ...
Paulo Martins was one of the young scientists distinguished by the prestigious European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics....
The artificial intelligence software was developed by students Nassir Cassamo, Filipa Pinto and Miguel Folque, and supervised by professor Susana Vieira....
The National Communications Authority (ANACOM) recognised the quality and the scientific rigour of the work carried out by the IST team....