PIP 2022 – Applications for Pedagogical Innovation Projects
Applications for Pedagogical Innovation Projects (PIP) 2022 are open until 11th July 2022....
Applications for Pedagogical Innovation Projects (PIP) 2022 are open until 11th July 2022....
Join NAPE team: Applications are open until 2nd December 2021....
Pre-proposals must be submitted until 30th November 2021 (3:00 pm CET, Brussels)....
Six scientific initiation scholarships will be awarded for a period of twelve months to 1st cycle, 2nd cycle or integrated cycle...
The MIT Portugal Program is pleased to announce the opening of the 2021 call for FCT-MPP2030 PhD Grants. Candidates must be conducting research...
Applications are open until 19th November. ...
The Web Summit 2020 will take place from 2nd to 4th December. It is the largest technology conference in the world...
Applications for “everis Awards Portugal 2020” are open until 21st June...
The application period is open until 27th January 2020, at 3 p.m....
Applications for NAPE – the Student Support Unit at Técnico (Alameda campus) are open. We are looking for 7 students who...
Applications for 12 Dual Degree Ph.D. scholarships under the CMU Portugal program are open. Each PhD program has specific application deadlines...
All students attending Master Level Entrepreneurship Courses in this semester are titled to apply for E.Awards@Técnico – 2019. The E.Awards aim...
The Tra Visions 2020 Young Researcher Competition is aimed at young researchers who want to showcase their innovative ideas in the...
The assignment of “U-bike Técnico” bicycles will take place on March 26th, at 10.30 am, in the Bike-workshop, located at Alameda...
The Speaker Contest 2019 is a public contest that aims to select four speakers who will participate in the 1st edition...
GRACE Academy V edition – Applications open November 12th....
The European Space Agency (ESA) will promote the European Space Talks: sharing our passion for the space, during November 2018. This...
Secil will launch a new edition of Secil Universities Awards with the support of Ordem dos Arquitetos (OA) and Ordem dos...