Técnico professor chairs advisory committee for artificial intelligence
Arlindo Oliveira has been appointed chairman of the Specialised Monitoring Committee that will monitor the implementation of the National Artificial Intelligence...
Arlindo Oliveira has been appointed chairman of the Specialised Monitoring Committee that will monitor the implementation of the National Artificial Intelligence...
Titta Maja-Luoto was welcomed by Zita Martins, the Vice-president of Técnico for International Affairs. During the visit, the Finnish ambassador had...
Patrícia Figueiredo holds the position since the beginning of October, after having previously been vice-president of the Institution....
Launched on 9 July aboard Ariane 6, the nanosatellite entirely built at Instituto Superior Técnico has been ‘heard’ every time it...
Students from Instituto Superior Técnico and researchers from the Institute for Systems and Robotics secured third place at RoboCup 2024....
Business and academic tech solutions were tested at the second edition of ARTEX. Técnico presented a ground drone, a high-altitude balloon...
Aboard ESA’s Ariane 6 launch vehicle, the ISTSat-1 has become the first Portuguese university nanosatellite to be launched into space....
The Annual Symposium of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree (EMJMD) in Marine and Maritime Intelligent Robotics (MIR) and the MIR...
The FRIENDS project aimed to develop a solution using unmanned aerial vehicles for communication support in search and rescue missions....
Researchers from Instituto Superior Técnico will participate in the annual science summit, this time focusing on the theme "Science and Ocean"....
26th June, at 11.30 a.m., in EA3 room, North Tower, Alameda Campus...
Before the big competition RoboCup23, which takes place in July in Bordeaux (France), the Técnico students will put their robots to...