DEM Seminar – Joana Portugal Pereira
IST’s Department of Mechanical Engineering and the IN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research will hold on September 26, from...
IST’s Department of Mechanical Engineering and the IN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research will hold on September 26, from...
Alexandros Terzis (Institute of Aerospace Thermodynamics, ITLR, University of Stuttgart, Germany) will give a seminar titled “Heat release at the wetting...
The Emeritus professor at Universidade de Lisboa becomes the first to be awarded with this distinction granted by the Editorial Board...
Professor João Pereira Dias (DEM) will give a lecture titled “Desenho Assistido por Computador: Do desenho em papel à realidade virtual,...
Professor António Relógio Ribeiro (DEM) will give the lecture “Para uma história do desenho técnico” on June 21, at 6 p.m.,...
The next seminar organised by the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM) will take place on June 18, at 11.30 a.m., in...
The long and regular collaboration between the professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Technical University of Denmark was...
The Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM) will organise the seminar «Segurança Aeronáutica … e não só!» on May 7, at 11.30...
The Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM) will organise the seminar “Numerical prediction of effective properties of porous foams” on April 23,...
The Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM) will organise the seminar “Aircraft manufacturing: from Aluminum alloys to Composite materials” on March 26,...
IN+ welcomes Professor Gustavo Dalmarco, a postdoctoral researcher on the project E4Value at INESC TEC and an associate professor at the...
Professors Alexandra Moutinho, Carlos Silva and Tânia Sousa will give the seminar “Novas Metodologias para o Ensino – MOOC e Kahoot”,...
The seminar “Alguns Desenvolvimentos em Modelação, Otimização e Identificação de Compósitos e Estruturas Avançadas no DEM nos últimos 30″, presented by...
On May 8, at 5.30 p.m., will take place a DEM seminar on the topic “The scientific research in Portugal and...
On May 2, from 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM) will organise a seminar with 4...
The Department of Mechanical Engineering will organise the seminar “Engenharia Mecânica no IST – o meu tempo: 1954-2017”, presented by António...