Técnico professors and researchers join a consortium that exploit investment in production technologies
85 new products and services will emerge from Produtech R3 project funded by the RRP, of which 19 will involve members...
85 new products and services will emerge from Produtech R3 project funded by the RRP, of which 19 will involve members...
Some schools at ULisboa and Politécnico de Lisboa team up and provide free online training in digital skills for future professors...
The Minister of Agriculture visited Técnico to learn more about the Robotics4Farmers project, which aims to minimise the environmental impact and...
The funding obtained by INESC-MN is part of the Interface Mission, launched under the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR)....
The ATTRACT project is a consortium of 23 national entities committed to innovation and modernisation of small and medium-sized companies and...