2nd call ObservIST
The ObservIST launches its second call for submission of Good Practices on the defined thematic areas. ...
The ObservIST launches its second call for submission of Good Practices on the defined thematic areas. ...
The project was initially developed in the courses of Game Development Methodology and Multi-Agent Systems....
The first edition of APPLAuSE workshop took place at Técnico, in the Congress Centre....
The University of Porto recognises "one of the most outstanding academic careers, in teaching and research, as well as a remarkable...
MEGM Mentoring and QUC – Quality of Curricular Units (Higher Education thematic area), and Management Practices at AEP (Quality Assessment thematic...
The article "Efficient pseudopotentials for plane-wave calculations" was published in Physical Review B on 15th January 1991....
The deadline to apply for EuroSys Doctoral Workshop (EuroDW 2017), a forum for PhD students to present their work and receive...
The conference "As marcas da Marca na Economia Portuguesa" was held at Técnico last Friday....
The new co-opted members of Técnico’s School Assembly, engineers João Paulo Girbal, Manuel Cruz and Carlos Mineiro Aires, took office this...
The new members of School Assembly, Executive Board and Scientific Council, as well as the president of Faculty Assembly, the presidents...
Vasco Esteves and Diogo Ribeiro were also distinguished with an honourable mention for the results achieved during the competition, which was...
JUNITEC – Junior Enterprises of Instituto Superior Técnico was distinguished for the project "BTA - Bolsos Térmicos Amovíveis", exhibited at the...
The award given to the first three winners consist of an MBA in national and international prestigious business schools....
Cíntia Moreira, former student of MSc in Chemical Engineering and researcher at CeFEMA, was the author of the work titled "Contributo...
Saldanha Matos will chair the European Water Association, which is based in Germany....
The platform "Técnico Leadership Graduate Academy "aims to announce the advanced postgraduate courses. ...
Jorge V. Rocha, alumnus of Engineering Physics and former researcher at CENTRA, is the first awarded of this prize granted by...
According to the team of physicists, whirling light rays make optical microscopes more powerful....