Scholarship “Xpand IT, Missão Aproximar – Educação 16/17”
The deadline to apply for the scholarship “Xpand It” is September 9. This scholarship is intended for a student who has...
The deadline to apply for the scholarship “Xpand It” is September 9. This scholarship is intended for a student who has...
The three representatives from Técnico, João Rodrigues, Diogo Abreu and Pedro Pinotes, ranked 11th (sailing), 16th (trampoline gymnastics individual) and 25th...
The first fossil preparation laboratory was set up in Mozambique with the support of Instituto Superior Técnico. ...
The election votes were released during the GR21 meeting held in New York City....
Técnico’ s student group ranked 3rd in the competition of electric cars and 1st in Business Plan presentation....
The president of the Scientific Council was decorated as Grand Officer of the Order of Public Instruction....
Joana Lourenço won gold and silver in Taekwondo at the tournament held in Croatia....
This edition will run from 30th July to 10th August ...
Applications open until 30th October 2016...
INCISTA took place from 11th to 15th July at Taguspark campus....
Submissions to the 1st edition of the Industry 4.0 Call, launched by Portugal Ventures, are open until 18th August....
Eight professors and researchers from Técnico were honoured during the ceremony commemorating the third anniversary of Universidade de Lisboa....
IST Press book “Exercícios de Álgebra Linear” published in English by World Scientific....
Applications for FCT-PhD "Environmental Hydraulics and Hydrology" are open from 25th July to 15th October...
The Observatory of good Practices at IST (ObservIST) is a project that aims to “Identify, consolidate and disseminate institutional good practices”....
The summer school on Plasma Physics organised by IPFN took place from 10th to 15th July in Oeiras....
Applications for FCT-PhD in Bioengineering - Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine are open from 1st to 30th September 2016...
The programme "Ciência Viva no Laboratório" has, once again, brought students to Instituto de Telecomunicações, at Técnico....