DEQ Talk – Filipe Marques Mota
The Department of Chemical Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico is pleased to announce a new DEQ Talk. Date: 13th July 2022,...
The Department of Chemical Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico is pleased to announce a new DEQ Talk. Date: 13th July 2022,...
Date: 29th June 2022, Wednesday Hour: 2 p.m. Venue: South tower, QA1.1 amphitheatre Speaker: Mónica Faria (Researcher at CeFEMA/Center of Physics...
The Department of Chemical Engineering (DEQ) is pleased to announce the DEQTalk that will take place in April. 27th April, 2 p.m.-3...
“Biological treatment and application of membranes for wastewater treatment: Secondary sludge reduction in wastewater treatment plants”. – 2 p.m....
Joana Lobo Antunes and Zita Martins are nominated in the “Science” category. Catarina Barreiros and Joana Rafael are potential winners in...
The Department of Chemical Engineering at Técnico (DEQ/IST) is pleased to announce a new DEQTalk, under the “DEQTalks 2021/2022”, in hybrid format*....
The next edition of DEQ Open Laboratories (17th edition) will take place via Zoom, from 22nd to 26th February 2021, and aims...
Susana Farinha won the “Ordem dos Engenheiros” Award, which rewards the best Materials Engineering master's thesis. Bernardo Diniz and Helena Ferreira...
Professor Helena Garcia (Faculty of Sciences – ULisboa; Centro de Química Estrutural – Group Coordinator in CQE@ciencias) will give the next...
Professor Charafeddine Jama (Laboratory Unité Matériaux Et Transformations, UMET/LillOA, École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille – ENSCL, Université de Lille)...
The Técnico professor is the only Portuguese researcher who is part of the scientific team of ESA’s new mission - Comet...
Professor Maciej Staszak (Poznan University of Technology, Poland) will give the seminar “Superficial phenomena modeling in multiphase systems by CFD technique”,...
Professor João Pessoa (IST-DEQ/CQE), will give a talk titled “Vanádio, que novos papéis pode ter na biologia?”, on 29th May, at...
Two awards and two honourable mentions were given to Técnico professors in the following scientific areas: Biology, Biological Engineering, Biochemistry and...
Nuno Maulide was distinguished by the Austrian Club of Education and Science Journalists. ...
Karoline Peters (Novartis AG, Switzerland) will give a DEQ Talk titled “Siliconization and mitigation strategies to improve compatibility in Biological Drugs...
Professor Carlos Baleizão will give a talk titled «Brincar com Lego à nanoescala: nanoestruturas híbridas multifuncionais», on October 31, at 5.10...
Professor Zita Martins was one of 10 Portuguese women awarded a 2018 Barbie Award on International Day of the Girl....