Técnico professor honoured by the American Chemical Society
Nuno Maulide was awarded the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award, which aims to recognise and encourage excellence in organic chemistry....
Nuno Maulide was awarded the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award, which aims to recognise and encourage excellence in organic chemistry....
Técnico and Planeta Group are pleased to announce the launch of a new book by Nuno Maulide – “Como desvendar o quebra-cabeças...
The Técnico alumnus and Invited Full Professor at the IST Department of Chemical Engineering (DEQ), Nuno Maulide, is among the 12...
The Técnico alumnus presented his book this Friday, at Alameda campus....
Técnico is pleased to announce the launch of Nuno Maulide’s book titled “Como Se Transforma Ar em Pão” (“How to Turn...
The Técnico alumnus and full professor at the University of Vienna has become the youngest full member and the only foreigner...
Attendance is free but requires prior registration....
Nuno Maulide, Técnico alumnus and Full Professor at the University of Vienna, Austria, will give the next DEQTalk, organised by the...