Applications open for Lisbon Mathematics PhD
Applications for Lisbon Mathematics PhD are open from July 20 to September 30. LISMATH comprises two PhD programmes in Mathematics: one...
Applications for Lisbon Mathematics PhD are open from July 20 to September 30. LISMATH comprises two PhD programmes in Mathematics: one...
The applications for will be open between 01/07/2016 and 29/07/2016. IST offer Doctoral Programmes in different areas of expertise leading to...
João Ramôa Correia, professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources (DECivil) at Técnico, was distinguished by the International...
Jorge Calado, who became Emeritus Professor of Instituto Superior Técnico in 2015, won the 2016 edition of Universidade de Lisboa Award,...
IST Press published the 3rd edition of the book “O Lápis Mágico. Uma História da Construção da Fotografia”, by Carlos Sousa...
According to Bill Gates, the book “The Master Algorithm”, by Pedro Domingos, a Técnico alumnus and professor at Washington University, is...
The exhibition “Pensar Ourém” was inaugurated on June 3, and was jointly organised by the Ourém Municipality, the Ourém Museum and...
Sara Santos, Rafaela Monteiro and Daniela Francisco, former students of architecture at Instituto Superior Técnico, launched this week Coração Bobo, a...
Professor Vasco Guerra, IPFN member and professor at the Physics Department of Técnico Lisboa, was distinguished by his outstanding contribution to...
Técnico has collectively won the Bodyboard and Surf University Championship held this weekend in Peniche, organised by the School of Tourism...
Four Técnico master course students in Microbiology, Bioengineering and Nanosystems won a five thousand euros award from the European Commission, for...
The CGD awards ceremony for student groups took place this Wednesday at Alameda campus. The ceremony was attended by professor Arlindo...
The BPI awards ceremony for student groups at Técnico took place this Tuesday at Alameda campus. Professor Arlindo Oliveira, president of...
The celebration of the 105th anniversary of Instituto Superior Técnico included, once again, an event that brought together former students at...
Magnomics, a startup of INESC-ID and member of IST SPIN-OFF community, awarded the first place at Ag Biotech Entrepreneurial Showcase 2016,...
Técnico celebrated this Monday its 105th anniversary with a solemn ceremony attended by the President of the Republic, professor Marcelo Rebelo...
The Graduation Day – Alameda Campus took place this Saturday, May 21, at Salão Nobre. According to professor Arlindo Oilveira, president...
This Monday and Tuesday took place the second edition of PhD Open Days, an initiative organised by Técnico that allows PhD...