“The potential of renewable energy sector must be harnessed by our country”
Técnico hosted the first edition of the Conference on Sustainability and Energy Efficiency, which was attended by more than 140 people...
Técnico hosted the first edition of the Conference on Sustainability and Energy Efficiency, which was attended by more than 140 people...
Mario J. Pinheiro, professor and researcher at the Department of Physics - Técnico, is one of the authors of the book...
“Our goal is try to solve control problems that may be impossible to solve if we don’t add some randomness to...
Técnico website highlighted in renowned online magazine....
The professor was distinguished for her contributions to the “promotion and dissemination of the Portuguese architecture in several countries and continents”....
Unbabel raised $5 million in a Series A round....
Pedro Parreira presented a spatial interface based on touchless hand gestures to control a 3D image....
Técnico, with the collaboration of IPFN and ISR, is part of the winning consortium for the largest robotics contracts to date...
Beatriz Cabral de Melo was distinguished for her thesis "Effect of externalities on investment in urban renewal: a Game Theory application”,...
Maria Bacharel Carreira presented the thesis “In-between Formality and Informality. Learning Spaces in University Context” which earned her the Glen Earthman...
The game, created by Carlos Margarido, Tiago Cardoso, Luís Oliveira and André Santos, started development and flourished as a project for...
AncelISTas1991 and Diversitas represented Técnico in the Inter-University Marathon on Programming....
Three students and a professor from Técnico participated in the biggest national technology event....
Dan Costa, Editor-in-Chief of PC Magazine, talked about the advantages and disadvantages of smart technologies....
After being considered a Highly Cited Researcher for the third consecutive time, Mário Figueiredo receives the IAPR Pierre Devijver Award....
Benjamin Grosser combines software and art, challenging the limitations imposed on technology....
Mário Figueiredo is once again included in the list of the highly cited researchers worldwide. ...
Mário J. Pinheiro, from the Department of Physics at Técnico, published an article in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,...