Técnico student receives BNP Paribas Merit Award
The first edition of the Merit Award aims to recognise the best student of the Master's Programme in Computer Science and...
The first edition of the Merit Award aims to recognise the best student of the Master's Programme in Computer Science and...
José Tribolet, João Pavão Martins and José Alves Marques were honoured at a joint ceremony....
4 October, at 1 p.m., in room VA5, Civil Engineering Building, Alameda campus...
The full professor at Técnico and founder of INESC was honoured by the Foundation for Science and Technology....
The award ceremony of the Celfocus Merit Award in Software Engineering took place on 26 June 2024 and brought together Técnico...
Afonso Pinto and Sidnei Ferreira, Computer Science and Engineering Master's students, won the Hitachi Merit Award in Data Integration and Analytics...
February 22nd, at 2 p.m., Alameda Campus and Taguspark Campus ...
Arlindo Oliveira gave a talk on the challenges in Computer Science and the master's programmes offered by Técnico in this field....
The lecture was given by Wei Li, Vice President and General Manager of Artificial Intelligence Engineering Software at Intel. ...
25th October, at 2.30 p.m., in EA1 room, North Tower, Alameda Campus...
The event marked the admission and career progression of 53 professors and researchers....
The project aims to develop automated detection models for hate speech against Afro-descendant, Roma and LGBTQ+ communities....
João Pavão Martins was awarded for his contribution in the area of Knowledge Representation and Belief Revision to the Artificial Intelligence...
The book can be purchased at IST Press online store and at Almedina, Bertrand, FNAC and Porto Editora bookstores, among others. ...
The merit award of 1,310 euros was awarded by Deloitte to Isabel Soares, a master's student at Técnico. DEI has also...
Professor João Emílio Segurado Pavão Martins (Department of Computer Science and Engineering) will give his “last lecture” titled “Artificial Intelligence in...
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Técnico (DEI-IST) is pleased to announce the two following “Scouting Talks”: 5th January...
The teams that represented Técnico in this programming marathon won two silver medals and two bronze medals....