Professor Manuel Heitor will receive an Honorary Doctor of Science and Technology degree by CMU
The Técnico professor will receive the Honorary degree on 13th May. ...
The Técnico professor will receive the Honorary degree on 13th May. ...
The researcher at the Group of Lasers and Plasmas/IPFN, was awarded by PRACE for her outstanding contributions to High Performance Computing...
The Técnico professor and pro-rector of Universidade de Lisboa was awarded the medal during the commemorative ceremony of the Military Academy...
The Better Life Farming (BLF) – Bayer's multi-stakeholder global model was awarded the “Build Back Better Infrastructure Award for Stakeholder Engagement”....
The Técnico spin-off was recognized in three categories at Microsoft Inspire 2021....
Professor Fátima Montemor, Vice-president of Técnico for Research and International Affairs, Técnico professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering (DEQ) and...
Xpand IT, created by two Técnico alumni and member of the IST Spin-off community, became the first Portuguese company to win...
The work authored by professor João Luís Sobrinho and student Miguel Ferreira won the “Best Paper Award”....
The Técnico professor (Department of Mechanical Engineering) has a remarkable track record of achievements and has collaborated with the Finnish university...
The professor was distinguished for her contributions to the “promotion and dissemination of the Portuguese architecture in several countries and continents”....