Development and Training Programme for Técnico faculty
The Development and Training Programme (PDF) at Técnico aims to promote, empower and support the development of professional, interpersonal and transversal...
The Development and Training Programme (PDF) at Técnico aims to promote, empower and support the development of professional, interpersonal and transversal...
“Fala-me dISTo” is a project developed by the Academic Development Unit (NDA) and aims to address the most varied topics that...
The Workshop “Master’s dissertation – Do you take up the challenge?” will take place in Abreu Faro amphitheatre, Alameda campus. Attendance...
The programme is jointly organised by the Scientific Council (CC) and the Pedagogical Council (CP), in partnership with the Academic Development...
A scholarship that's not just a scholarship. It's so much more than that. That's what tb.lx by Daimler Trucks & Buses...
Junitec, composed of students from Técnico, has awarded 3 scholarships to students who have now started their academic process....
Where is my mind? Mindfulness and meditation An online talk by Zoom, on 9th December, 2021 – 6 p.m. Mindfulness and meditation...
The "IST Shaping the Future" programme takes place from 8th to 10th September and brings together 14 professors and auxiliary researchers....
Training calendar for February 2021. Registrations are open....
These are the words of engineer Manuel Lopes da Costa at the 4th alumni dinner organised by the IST Alumni Association....