Apply for a Master Programme

You may apply for a master programme (2nd study cycle) under the following conditions:

  • if you have completed an undergraduate programme (1st study cycle) or a legal equivalent;
  • if you hold a foreign undergraduate degree (1st study cycle) recognized, by the Scientific Council, as complying with the undergraduate degree requirements;
  • if you hold either an academic, scientific or professional curriculum verifying the capability to complete the master’s programme you are applying to (for example, students with a minimum of 138 ECTS completed).



Deadlines 2024/25 1st Call 2nd Call 3rd Call
Submission of applications1 March 4 to March 22 (until WET 5 pm), 2024 June 11 to July 5 (until WET 5 pm), 2024 September 10 to September 12, 2024
Publication of temporary results April 12, 2024 July 26, 2024
Complaints and reevaluation requests April 12 to April 16, 2024 July 26 to July 29, 2024
Publication of final results April 29, 2024 August 31, 2024 September 18, 2024
Pre-Registration (Vacancy Reservation)2 April 29 to May 10, 2024 July 30 to August 16, 2024 September 18 to September 20, 2024
Placement of replacements3 April 29 to May 10, 2024 July 30 to August 16, 2024 September 18 to September 20, 2024
Registration Confirmation September 2 to September 6, 2024 September 2 to September 6, 2024 September 18 to September 20, 2024
Welcome Week to be announced to be announced Contact Student Support Services
1Incomplete applications at the time the application period closes will be excluded.
2All applicants must pre-register online and the vacancy reservation payment by the deadlines indicated below, failing which they will lose their place.
3Replacement candidates will be called in the admissions platform, during the registration confirmation period.

Students completing their undegraduate degree

The 1st and 2nd calls of applications are opened to applicants who are expecting to obtain an undergraduate degree by the deadline for registration confirmation (see table above). These applicants must:

  • have a minimum of 138 ECTS completed, at the time of the application, proven by:
    • Técnico students: a PDF printout of the enrolment curriculum, from the personal area in the Fénix system, showing the course units completed (with the number of ECTS credits and grades) and the average at the time. In addition, a signed Declaration under Oath attesting their undegraduate average grade at the time of application must be submitted;
    • students from other Schools: detailed* official documentation, such as an official academic transcript with average grade and all the curricular units concluded, ECTS credits and grades, as well as, a signed Declaration under Oath attesting their undegraduate average grade at the time of application;
  • present, by the end of the registration confirmation deadline, the undergraduate programme final certificate/diploma, without which they will lose the placement.

Students with direct access

Following the transition to the New Teaching Model for the 2021/22 school year (nr 3 of 6th article of Decree-Law nr. 65/2018), students that have been enrolled in an undergradute programme at Técnico might have direc acess to the continuation master programme if:

  • they were enrolled in the academic year 2020/21;
  • they were enrolled in the academic year 2020/19 but not in the academic year 2020/21.

These students will only have to enrol directly in Fénix (at the start of the next academic year) and not submit any applications, except if they wish to attend a non-continuing master’s programme.

Required Documents

To complete the application process it is necessary to submit the following scanned documents, at the admissions portal:

  • Up-to-date CV;
  • Official academic transcript with average grade (with all the curricular units concluded, correspondent ECTS credits and grades). Técnico students may submit curricular information available on Fénix);
  • Document specifying the type of grading scheme of the academic records, for students that did not finish their degree in the portuguese education system (scale of 0-20 classifications);
  • Statement under oath (only for applicants that have not yet completed the 1st study cycle);
  • Bank transfer slip of the payment for the application fee (for bank transfers only);
  • Display of identification document (passport, foreign citizen card or other appropriate), or, when authorized by the candidate, a simple photocopy of the identification document.

All the documentation listed is compulsory. In addition, other documents may be submitted, such as letters of motivation or recommendation, certificates or non-curricular diplomas.

Application Fees

An application fee payment is required for each application, which is not refunded after the publication of results.

  • First and second applications: 50 euros each.
  • Further applications: 100 euros each.


  • After submission of the application process an ATM reference will be generated to proceed with the payment.
  • The payment shall be done until 3 working days after the submission and sealing the application.
  • The application fee is not refundable, regardless of the result.

Vacancy Reservation

During the pre-registration period (online), a fee of 100 euros must be paid in order to reserve a place, which will then be deducted from the tuition fee of the programme in which the student confirms the registration.

Selection Criteria

Students applying for a master’s, the admission decisions and selection are the responsibility of the coordinator of the course you’re considering applying to, with the following criteria:

  1. Scientific affinity between the acquired course and the 2nd cycle programme that you are applying for;
  2. Nature of the academic degree earned;
  3. Academic performance on the attended course.
  4. Curricular Evaluation, based on scientific and academic CV.

The Scientific Council has defined a formula for calculating the Affinity parameter based on the following criteria:

  • Basic training in Engineering: corresponds to the number of ECTS that the candidate’s curriculum includes of basic training in Engineering (including curricular units in maths, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, management/economics, HASS, integrating project).
  • Specific curricular units: corresponds to the number of ECTS that the candidate’s curriculum includes of specific courses for the master’s programme to which the candidate is applying.

Affinity for students who attended the 1st cycle at Técnico is calculated automatically. For students who have not attended the 1st cycle at Técnico, it is calculated according to the criteria defined by the coordinator of the course to which they are applying.

Study Programmes 2024/25

Programme 1st Call Vacancies1 2nd Call Vacancies2 3rd Call Vacancies Cmin3 URL
Architecture4 5 2 ** 100
Bioengineering: Regenerative and Precision Medicine 20 2 ** 120
Biotechnology 35 14 ** 120
Science and Technology for the Cultural Heritage 20 20 ** 120
Aerospace Engineering 142 57 ** 120
Environmental Engineering 40 30 ** 120
Biological Engineering 70 25 ** 120
Biomedical Engineering 110 38 ** 120
Data Science and Engineering 25 0 ** 100
Civil Engineering 145 98 ** 120
Electronics Engineering 36 35 ** 100
Electrical and Computer Engineering 231 81 ** 120
Pharmaceutical Engineering See FFUL See FFUL See FFUL 100
Engineering Physics 118 62 ** 120
Mining and Geological Engineering 27 24 ** 100
Energy Engineering and Management 40 12 ** 100
Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 27 15 ** 100
Industrial Engineering and Management 85 0 ** 100
Computer Science and Engineering – Alameda 200 0/td>

** 100
Computer Science and Engineering – Taguspark 90 44 ** 100
Materials Engineering 30 25 ** 120
Mechanical Engineering 192 107 ** 120
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 32 15 ** 100
Chemical Engineering 80 41 ** 120
Energy Resources Engineering 25 22 ** 100
Telecommunications and Informatics Engineering 58 44 ** 100
Medical Physics 20 17 **
Mathematics and Applications 70 38 ** 120
Microbiology 25 13 ** 120
Molecular Science and Engineering 17 10 ** 100
Territorial Management and Urban Studies5 See FAUL See FAUL See FAUL 100
Radiation Protection and Safety 12 8 ** 100
Information Security and Cyberspace Law 20 7 ** 100
Transportation Systems 20 17 ** 120

*To be announced
**Vacancies available only in case of a 3rd Call of aplications, once 1st and 2nd call students are enrolled.
1 – Vacancies for each programme are all available in the 1st Call.
2 – The vacancies not filled in the 1st Call will be made available in the 2nd Call of applications.
3 – Cmin: Minimum Grade.
4 – Application for the 2nd study cycle of the Integrated Master in Architecture.
5 – Applications are submitted in the Faculty of Architecture website.

Tuition fees

National/European Union Students*: The annual tuition fees of Técnico’s study programmes, approved by the General Council of ULisboa, are set between 825.00€ and 2500.00€, according to the characteristics of each course.

Integrated masters’ tuition fees are the same as for undergraduate degrees.

Students from countries outside the European Union must apply as an International Student. Thus, the tuition fee is different.

Tuition Fees

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I’m a student at Técnico, do I need to ask the academic services for a transcript of records of the 1st cycle?

    As the information on Técnico students is registered in the Fénix system, all that is required is a PDF printout of the enrolment curriculum, from the personal area in the Fénix system, showing the course units completed (with the number of ECTS credits and grades) and the average at the time. This document must be submitted on the application platform.

    How to obtain:

    • Student > Curriculum > Ver plano curricular (choosing the study programme) > Ver currículo de matrícula (selecting 1st cycle)
    • Print this webpage, choosing as printing destination “Save as PDF”

    Curriculum (Fénix)

  2. How is the application grade calculated? Is there a minimum grade?

    The application grade (C) is calculated using the following expression, mentioned in the 2nd cycle access regulations annex:

    C = 180 × (0.3 × A + 0.3 × N/5 + 0.4 × MFC/200) + B

    in which:

    • A corresponds to the scientific affinity between the acquired course and the 2nd cycle programme that you are applying for;
    • N corresponds to the Nature of the academic degree earned;
    • MFC corresponds to the Final Grade achieved in the undegraduate programme
    • B is the Curricular Evalutation (criteria stipulated in the regulations).

    The minimum application grades are defined by the Scientific Coordination of each course and are published above.

  3. Is the application grade updated when I complete the degree (180 ECTS)?

    No. The Final Grade used to calculate the application grade, presented at the time of submitting the application, will not change as well as the placement.

More Information and Contacts

Técnico Open Day

On the Técnico’s Open Day, it is possible to get to know the scientific areas, the courses, and the facilities, in a day with a vast program of interactive activities with the School’s entire community.

Open Day

Masters Open Day

Get to know the study programme, projects and career paths s at the sunset with master students and professors.

You can also find out more about international programmes, career preparation, support and extracurricular activities.

Masters Open Day


Learn about the areas of study, research projects and dissertations of each master’s programme in a 30-minute talk with Técnico professors and students. You can also find out more about international opportunities and career development.


Talk with us

If you have questions on the application submission process, required documents or payments, you can contact the Admissions Office.

If you wish to find out more about our programmes and academic experience, you may schedule a visit or a Zoom chat with a student.

Apoio na Candidatura Book a Visit


From the first steps to graduation, there is a lot of essential information for every student’s day-to-day life along the way.

“Study at Técnico” Guide

Registration and Welcome Week

After the placement, each student must registrate in Técnico and may participate in the welcoming activities.

The request for credit transfer of previous courses is initiated later after registration has been completed.

First Steps