ULisboa-RedeMOV Conference: “The Daily Mobility of the Elderly during the Covid-19 pandemic”
The conference series “Conversas à Sexta” are organised by RedeMOV at Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa), and aim to be a space...
The conference series “Conversas à Sexta” are organised by RedeMOV at Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa), and aim to be a space...
The Christmas Solidarity Campaign takes place from 5th to 16th December....
The conference series “Conversas à Sexta” are organised by redeMOV at Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa), and aim to be a space...
Applications are open until 25th January 2023....
The ULisboa Christmas Concert “Natal (En) Cantado” will take place on 10th December 2022, at 9 p.m., in Aula Magna (ULisboa...
The Solemn Ceremony of Dia da Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) will take place on 22nd July 2022, at 5 p.m., in...
The College of Chemistry of Universidade de Lisboa (CQUL) is pleased to announce its 5th Meeting and Summer School, to be...
Luiz Braga Campos, jubilate professor of Técnico, was honored with the title of Emeritus Professor this Tuesday, May 31st, in a...
Six professors and researchers of Técnico received a scientific prize of 6,500 euros from Ulisboa and CGD. Four honorable mentions were...
The conference “The energy transition in public transport: lessons learned in the eUltimate project” will take place within the scope of...
Approved in May by the Ministry of the People's Republic of China, Shanghai University will host the project for the creation...
The 21st edition of Academic Drama Festival organised by Universidade de Lisboa (FATAL) will take place from 12th to 21st May...
In the top 1.1% of Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) of 2022/2023, the University of Lisbon now occupies the 200th...
RedeSAÚDE, one of the ULisboa Thematic Interdisciplinary Networks, will organise the 4th Annual Conference on Pulic Health on 16th May 2022, from 9:00...
Since the 18th of April, ULisboa students can participate in the survey...
Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) is pleased to announce the first edition of the Pedagogical Seminar Series, on 4th May, at the...