6th edition of BEST Inside View presented at Salão Nobre
This initiative aims at strengthening the link between students and the labour market, allowing students to accompany a professional on a...
This initiative aims at strengthening the link between students and the labour market, allowing students to accompany a professional on a...
This scholarship aims to invest in the education of the new generations, particularly students of recognised merit who demonstrate financial needs....
The initiative, carried out by the Pedagogical Council, aims to recognise the academic performance of Técnico students, awarding a Diploma of...
IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest...
This year, students developed a Marketing and Communication Plan for Baixo Sabor....
The External Advisory Panel is constituted by Prof. Michel Chatelier from Orsay University, Prof. Kunioki Mima from Osaka University, Prof. Francesco...
Xpand IT, CardioID, Tradiio and Prodsmart are the new members of IST Spin-Off community, with over 50 companies....
Fábio Cruz, Victor Hariton and Vera Gomes received the Scientific Research Prize granted by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in the fields of...
The appointment of professor Fernando Branco was made by the German Business Association, Wir Eigentümerunternehmer (Europäisches Wirtschaftsforum e.V - EWiF)....
Técnico hosted the first edition of the Conference on Sustainability and Energy Efficiency, which was attended by more than 140 people...
Mario J. Pinheiro, professor and researcher at the Department of Physics - Técnico, is one of the authors of the book...
Several alumni attended the Web Summit to talk about a wide range of topics, such as innovation on health, data processing,...
“Our goal is try to solve control problems that may be impossible to solve if we don’t add some randomness to...
Xpand-it, an IST spin-off, will support a student through a merit-based scholarship....
Portugal is member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) since it was created, in 1957....
Ulisboa was considered the best Portuguese university, with great emphasis on Técnico in the field of Engineering....
IST Press reissues "Cálculo Numa Variável Real" by João Paulo Santos....
"I would like to congratulate you and thank you for making this campus, and Técnico, a top engineering school.” ...