IST Press publishes the book “Dimensionamento de Estruturas de Edifícios e Estruturas Especiais”
IST Press published the book “Dimensionamento de Estruturas de Edifícios e Estruturas Especiais”, by Pedro Martins Mendes and José J. Oliveira...
IST Press published the book “Dimensionamento de Estruturas de Edifícios e Estruturas Especiais”, by Pedro Martins Mendes and José J. Oliveira...
João Miguel Sequeira's master's thesis was recognised by the Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG)....
Last January, three Técnico alumni received the SECIL Universities Award in the Civil Engineering field....
Francisco Centeno Dias, Técnico alumnus (Civil Engineering), was the winner of the Young Geotechnical Award in Portuguese Language, given by the...
Universidade de Lisboa stands out in three academic subjects: Marine and Ocean Engineering, Remote Sensing and Civil Engineering....
These are the words of professor Fátima Montemor during the scholarship award ceremony, held this Thursday, December 20th....
60 alumni attended a ceremony to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Civil Engineering course. ...
The 2nd congress TEST&E2019 will take place from 19th to 21st February 2019 at ISEP – Instituto Superior de Engenharia do...
Universidade de Lisboa stands out in three academic subjects: Marine/Ocean Engineering, Remote Sensing and Civil Engineering....
The National Meeting on Structural Concrete (BE 2018), jointly organised by the Portuguese Group of Structural Concrete (GPBE) and Instituto Superior...
Secil will launch a new edition of Secil Universities Awards with the support of Ordem dos Arquitetos (OA) and Ordem dos...
The 4th edition of InfraRisk- Summer Workshop will take place on July 18, at Técnico. The research works developed under PhD...
This is one of the most important awards at national level that distinguishes the talent and academic achievement of university students....
During two days, Técnico hosted the major global conference on Urban Development. ...
Beatriz Cabral de Melo was distinguished for her thesis "Effect of externalities on investment in urban renewal: a Game Theory application”,...
The 40th World Urban Development Congress “Living, building, financing the City post-Habitat III” will take place from 28th to 30th November,...